H.B. Fuller UK Tax Strategy
H.B Fuller is a leading worldwide formulator, manufacturer, and marketer of adhesives, sealants, and other specialty chemical products. H.B. Fuller products are used by customers in their manufacturing processes of common consumer and industrial goods, including food and beverage containers, disposable diapers, windows, doors, flooring, appliances, footwear, textiles, insulation, automotive products, and electronics.
H.B. Fuller’s business activities generate a variety of taxes including income taxes, withholding taxes, payroll taxes, VAT taxes, and many other taxes. We are dedicated to complying with tax laws and having positive relationships with tax authorities.
We are committed to being a good corporate tax citizen under the following principles:
1. Tax Planning
We engage in efficient tax planning in support of genuine commercial activity. We work to ensure that our tax position is consistent with the spirit as well as the letter of the law.
We conduct transactions between H.B. Fuller companies on arm’s-length basis and in accordance with current OECD principles.
Tax incentives, exemptions, and credits are sometimes introduced by authorities in order to encourage investment, employment, and economic growth. Where they exist, we seek to apply them consistent with the letter and spirit of the incentive, exemption or credit regime.
2. Tax Risk Management
We have in place internal controls to identify, assess, and manage tax risks and account for them properly. We implement controls over compliance processes and monitor their effectiveness.
3. Governance
H.B. Fuller’s Vice President of Corporate Financial Strategy oversees our approach to tax. The Vice President of Corporate Financial Strategy also ensures that policies and procedures are in place to support our approach and are consistently followed around the world. The global tax department implements our approach consistent with these policies and procedures.
4. Relationship with HMRC
We engage with HMRC in a spirit of openness and constructive dialogue. To the extent any dispute arises with HMRC we work to reach resolution collaboratively.
Further Information
The publication of the UK Tax Strategy complies with the requirements of Finance Act 2016, Schedule 19, Paragraph 16(2) for the financial year ending 2 December 2023 and remains in force until superceded.
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